
  • 2006 - Evenhere - in the 2010’s, I was the lead technologist for Evenhere - helping them with Patent paperwork, as well as architecting and building their MVP.
  • 2008 - incubator at Internet Broadcasting - developed an “internal” startup marketplace, and then was architect on one of the products - a “hyper local” news aggregation and search engine - developed using very early version of Hadoop, AWS, and was launched as a mobile app in week 1 in iOS app store.
  • 2018 - MN Property Info - This is a company I started that created a mobile app for iOS and Android which shows tax parcel data from select MN counties. The key differentiation is that it includes both residential and commercial properties, which is particularly useful if you’re a commercial realtor.
  • 2022 - Through Warecorp, I helped a startup build language analysis tools to aid in pitch deck authoring.
  • 2023 - a startup in the dining/entertainment space.
  • 2023 - a startup in the physical security space.
  • 2023 - a startup in the non-dilutive funding space.
  • 2024 - In progress… a startup in the e-commerce space.
  • 2025 - In progress… something in the AI/ML + Democracy space.